News and Announcements


Do you plan on eating Monday, November 22? You definitely should! Take a break from cooking to enjoy dinner at the Hastings Green Mill!
15% of you dinning experience goes back to the team.

Dine-in only! 5-9pm

Show this flyer to give back!


Posted by Hastings Area Swim Team at Nov 4, 2021 6:57PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

This HAST KID Swimmer Shoutout goes to Eloise Prettyman!!

Eloise loves to stay after her practice is over to help clean up kickboards and other equipment used during practice! She often does this without even being asked by a coach!

Her generous and helpful actions are continually noticed and appreciated by her coaches! (And hopefully her teammates too!)

Eloise, we appreciate all of your awesome help!! Keep it up!


Posted by Hastings Area Swim Team at Oct 27, 2021 6:56PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

This HAST KID Swimmer Shoutout goes to Russell Schalk!

Russell was very generous down at our meet in Rochester on Saturday. Russell had a fantastic swim, won his heat, and won a prize for his speedy swim! Instead of keeping his well deserved prize for himself, he gave his prize to another, younger swimmer! So awesome!

Russell’s kind and selfless act really impressed his coaches and that small act of kindness made the day a little bit brighter!

Way to go Russell! Keep it up!


Posted by Hastings Area Swim Team at Oct 21, 2021 4:54PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

This HAST KID swimmer shoutout goes to Ethan Anderson!!

Yesterday, we had a challenging set during practice and Ethan was so uplifting and positive towards his teammates! His encouraging words and actions also carried over into his own swimming and helped him to swim some crazy fast sprints during the set!!

After practice, Ethan went out of his way to ask the coaches if they needed help cleaning up and did so with a positive & cheerful attitude!

Way to be a leader, Ethan! We appreciate your effort to make our team stronger! Keep it up!


Pickup will be ready on Wednesday, November 24th. The current plan is late afternoon/early evening as it still is a school day. Items will need to be picked up at Jen Ries’ house, …..