Billing INFO for HAST Swim Families
Billing INFO for HAST Swim Families
Log in to the swimportal below to see your orders and payments.
Bookmark the swimportal as well.
For those paying dues monthly in the new system please go to the swimportal and make your ex. October 1st payment. If you have not set up for automatic payments you will need to log in every month and make your payment manually. Until the October payment is made, that amount is added to the Nov 1 payment. We are still learning the timing of things in the new system. We now we need to receive payments by the first of every month or set up for automatic payments which will occur on the 1st of every month.
To opt into automatic monthly payments, please follow the guide linked below:
My Wallet – Add or Change Payment Information in Swim Portal:
If paying by check verify the amount online and mail a check to:
HAST, PO Box 573, Hastings, MN 55033 or to Andy Jensen, 3528 Greten Lane Hastings, MN 55033. Thank you for your patience and assistance with the new system.Feel free to direct any questions to